責任及細則 (郵輪旅行團)
顧客須於作出任何付款前細讀本“重要責任及細則” 所載的條款及條件,當顧客付款後將視為接受所有條款及條件。
G) 取消及退款辦法
郵輪旅行團地點 | 手續費 (每位) |
東南亞及中國 | USD $200 |
歐洲、俄羅斯、澳紐、加拿大、地中海、中東、中亞、非洲 | USD $500 |
中南美洲、南北極 | USD $1000 |
此等預訂條款適用於顧客個人,在未獲得「本公司」書面確認前,顧客不可將預訂條款或權利或義務轉讓予任何第三方。「本公司」基於預訂條款所享有的權利可進行轉讓, 且可將其職責委託予他人。
「本公司」有權酌情根據這些預訂條款放棄任何權利。「本公司」也可以根據香港有關機構不時發布的規則和規例的要求放棄其在這些預訂條款下的權利。「本公司」對此預訂條款中任何條款或條件之放棄主張,不得被視為進一步或持續對此條款或條件、或對任何其他條款或條件的放棄主張,任何 「本公司」未基於此預訂條款而主張之權益或條款,不應被視為放棄該權益或條款。若本預訂條款中的任何條款, 被法院或其他具合法管轄權的法庭基於任何理由認定為無效、違法或無法強制執行,此條款應被刪除,或在不影響使用條款中其他條款 完整效用的情況下,將其縮限至最小範圍。
顧客保證顧客擁有所有法律授權,並依據預訂條款以及網站使用條款和隱私政策之規範使用本網站。本網站適用的該預訂條款,以及隱私政策和使用條款,共同構成顧客和「本公司」之間對於網站就旅行預訂的任何使用方式問題的完整理解和協議, 且其效力優於同期的所有該網站旅行預訂的書面和口頭理解、協議、擔保和保證。「本公司」保留任何上述內容未明示之權利。
中文及其他語言譯本如有任何歧異之處, 皆以中文為準。
修訂日期: 3/11/2021
Please take the time to read and understand this Terms and Conditions set out below prior to booking a trip with us. We strongly recommend that customers carefully read all information relating to your trip on our website and APPs. Customers will be deemed to have accepted this Terms and Conditions after making payment.
TOURTOLOVE Limited reserves the right to change, delete or add new terms. It is customer’s responsibility to read and accept these Terms each time he/ she makes a travel reservation. Customer’s continued use of TOURTOLOVE Limited services after changes, deletions, or additions have been made to these Terms shall constitute customer’s acceptance thereof. In case of any disputes, the TOURTOLOVE Limited reserves the right to make final decision.
B)Cruise Terms and Conditions
C)Special Circumstances
D)Booking Terms
E ) Inclusion
G) Cancellation and Refund
1. According to Directive No. 223 issued by the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong and concerning cancellation of package tours by travel agents for reasons beyond control, if a travel agent cancels a package tour because of ‘reasons beyond control’, it is allowed to collect cancellation charges (if any) and a handling fee clearly stated on the package tour when making refunds to the tour participants. For Directive No. 223, please visit the website of the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong at www.tichk.org/
Cruise Destination | Handling Charge (per person) |
Southeast Asia and China | USD $200 |
Europe, Russia, Australia and New Zealand, Canada, Mediterranean, Middle East, Central Asia, Africa | USD $500 |
Europe, Central and South America, South and North Pole | USD $1000 |
After handling charge, (if applicable)
2. According to Directive No. 177, “reasons beyond control” mean hostilities, political unrest, terror attacks, natural disasters, pestilences, bad weather, technical problems to transport, changes to the frequency/timetable of any means of conveyance by its operator without advance notice, strikes, industrial action, travel advisories (warnings) issued by governments of the destinations/ the World Health Organization, red/ black outbound travel alerts issued by the Hong Kong SAR Government, and any other situations of which the industry has no control and which are unfavorable to outbound trips of travelers.
3. If the minimum passenger requirement of the tour does not meet or known or affected by the reasons beyond control, the “Company” has the right to cancel the tour, and make further arrangement based on relevant guideline of Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong. It need not make any extra compensation.
4. Unless agreed and arranged by the “Company”, the “Company” or its entrusted cooperative institutions will not accept any name change after booking confirmed. Unauthorized traveler change at any time, including before departure, on departure day and during trip, is not allowed. Customers who have signed up will be treated as a waiver, the “Company” also has the right to disqualify the customer with no refund. Customer is fully liable for any consequences.
5. Customer can request to join the tour in any one of the trip days. However, if customer fails to join back the original tour owning to delay of any reason, the tour fares will not be refunded. Customer is responsible for the direct or indirect personal expenses on accommodation, meals and other losses.
6. If the customer withdraws or does not participate in any group activities unexpectedly (such as meals, sightseeing or accommodation) during the trip, it will be deemed to have waived automatically. The fee paid will not be refunded, and no substitution will be arranged.
7. If the customer encounters an emergency or fails to follow the tour itinerary for any reason, the “Company” will assess the situation, and take into account the safety and interests of other group members before deciding whether to arrange a local representative as accompany in destination and provide assistance. Customer shall raise no objection or request compensation by this. In addition, if customer requests further assistance from agents or local service agencies during or after the tour, the additional costs incurred will be borne by the customer.
8. Once booking confirmed, the customer should submit the request for cancellation, name change, date change or tour change as soon as possible, regardless of the reason. Documentary evidence may be required in support of the request. Once accepted, fee will be deducted according to the terms and conditions of the package (excluding the departure date and notification date). If later, the “Company” cancels the package tour for any reason, this fee will not be refunded.
9. Cancellation with refund is not allowed for certain tours. For details, please refer to the terms and conditions listed on the relevant itinerary leaflet.
H)Additional Information
I)Guidelines on Collection and Use of Personal Data
1. The “Company” will only collect and use the personal information as set out in our Privacy and Cookie Statement. The personal data collected will be treated in a confidential manner and will only be used to provide relevant travel services to customer. During the process, the “Company” may need to transfer the data to relevant travel agents or service providers to arrange and complete relevant travel services. In addition, without the customer's consent, the “Company” will not provide the data to other organizations or persons (except as required by law).
2. Customers can review and update their personal information by login to their membership account.
J)Instructions of the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong
K)Assignability Of Booking Terms
These Booking Terms are personal to individual customer, and customer may not assign these Booking Terms or his/ her rights or obligations there under to a third party without the “Company” prior express written consent. The rights of the “Company” under these Booking Terms may be assigned, and its duties may be delegated.
The “Company” have an absolute discretion to waive any of their rights under these Booking Terms. The “Company” may also waive its rights under these Booking Terms to the extent this is required by the rules and regulations from time to time published by the relevant authorities in Hong Kong. No waiver of by the “Company” of any booking related term or condition set forth in these Booking Terms shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or condition or a waiver of any other term or condition, and any failure of the “Company” to assert a right or provision under these Booking Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision of these Booking Terms is held by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be eliminated or limited to the minimum extent such that the remaining provisions of the Booking Terms will continue in full force and effect.
Customer warrants that one possesses all legal authority to use the Website in accordance with these Booking Terms as well as the Website's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. These Booking Terms, along with the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use applicable to the Website, constitute the entire understanding and agreement between you and the “Company” with respect to all matters relating in any way to the use of the Website for travel bookings and supersede all prior and contemporaneous understandings, agreements, representations and warranties, both written and oral, with respect to the travel bookings on the Website. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.
The Terms and Conditions has been drafted, and shall be construed, in the Chinese language. Any translation of the Terms and Conditions is solely for reference only. In the event of inconsistency between the Chinese language version and a translated version, the Chinese language version of the Terms and Conditions shall always prevail.
Last Revised: 3/11/2021
責任及細則 (旅行團)
顧客須於作出任何付款前細讀本“重要責任及細則” 所載的條款及條件,當顧客付款後將視為接受所有條款及條件。
G) 取消及退款辦法
旅行團地點 | 手續費 (每位) |
東南亞及中國 | USD $100 |
歐洲、俄羅斯、澳紐、加拿大、地中海、中東、中亞、非洲 | USD $200 |
中南美洲、南北極 | USD $500 |
此等預訂條款適用於顧客個人,在未獲得「本公司」書面確認前,顧客不可將預訂條款或權利或義務轉讓予任何第三方。「本公司」基於預訂條款所享有的權利可進行轉讓, 且可將其職責委託予他人。
「本公司」有權酌情根據這些預訂條款放棄任何權利。「本公司」也可以根據香港有關機構不時發布的規則和規例的要求放棄其在這些預訂條款下的權利。「本公司」對此預訂條款中任何條款或條件之放棄主張,不得被視為進一步或持續對此條款或條件、或對任何其他條款或條件的放棄主張,任何 「本公司」未基於此預訂條款而主張之權益或條款,不應被視為放棄該權益或條款。若本預訂條款中的任何條款, 被法院或其他具合法管轄權的法庭基於任何理由認定為無效、違法或無法強制執行,此條款應被刪除,或在不影響使用條款中其他條款 完整效用的情況下,將其縮限至最小範圍。
顧客保證顧客擁有所有法律授權,並依據預訂條款以及網站使用條款和隱私政策之規範使用本網站。本網站適用的該預訂條款,以及隱私政策和使用條款,共同構成顧客和「本公司」之間對於網站就旅行預訂的任何使用方式問題的完整理解和協議, 且其效力優於同期的所有該網站旅行預訂的書面和口頭理解、協議、擔保和保證。「本公司」保留任何上述內容未明示之權利。
中文及其他語言譯本如有任何歧異之處, 皆以中文為準。
修訂日期: 20/08/2021
責任及細則 (住宿套餐預訂)
顧客須於作出任何付款前細讀本“重要責任及細則” 所載的條款及條件,當顧客付款後將視為接受所有條款及條件。
F) 取消及退款辦法
此等預訂條款適用於顧客個人,在未獲得「本公司」書面確認前,顧客不可將預訂條款或權利或義務轉讓予任何第三方。「本公司」基於預訂條款所享有的權利可進行轉讓, 且可將其職責委託予他人。
「本公司」有權酌情根據這些預訂條款放棄任何權利。「本公司」也可以根據香港有關機構不時發布的規則和規例的要求放棄其在這些預訂條款下的權利。「本公司」對此預訂條款中任何條款或條件之放棄主張,不得被視為進一步或持續對此條款或條件、或對任何其他條款或條件的放棄主張,任何 「本公司」未基於此預訂條款而主張之權益或條款,不應被視為放棄該權益或條款。若本預訂條款中的任何條款, 被法院或其他具合法管轄權的法庭基於任何理由認定為無效、違法或無法強制執行,此條款應被刪除,或在不影響使用條款中其他條款 完整效用的情況下,將其縮限至最小範圍。
顧客保證顧客擁有所有法律授權,並依據預訂條款以及網站使用條款和隱私政策之規範使用本網站。本網站適用的該預訂條款,以及隱私政策和使用條款,共同構成顧客和「本公司」之間對於網站就旅行預訂的任何使用方式問題的完整理解和協議, 且其效力優於同期的所有該網站旅行預訂的書面和口頭理解、協議、擔保和保證。「本公司」保留任何上述內容未明示之權利。
中文及其他語言譯本如有任何歧異之處, 皆以中文為準。
修訂日期: 20/08/2021
本平台服務使用對象僅限 18 歲或以上成年人士。18歲以下之未成年人士(包括兒童)不得在本平台上提供任何個人資料。本公司未蓄意收集未滿 18歲以下未成年人士的個人資料。除非已獲取家長或合法監護人的同意,18歲以下之未成年人士請勿在本平台註冊及進行任何交易,也請勿提交個人資料。
本公司會透過上述方法所獲得包括(但不限於) 以下個人資料:
若客戶對本私隱聲明有任何疑問或查詢,或希望索閱、修正或拒絕本公司處理客戶的個人資料,請登入會員帳戶提出或以書面電郵至 info@tourtolove.com 辦理。本公司會盡力在15個工作天內處理任何更正個人資料的要求。
中文及其他語言譯本如有任何歧異之處, 皆以中文為準。
修訂日期: 31/08/2021
本公司有權自行酌情撤回與修訂本平台,及所提供的服務或資訊,且無需另行通知。平台內容會不定期更新,惟其不一定會是完整或最新的。本平台中的任何資料都可能於任何時間過期,本公司並沒有更新這些資料的義務。若本平台所有或部分之功能和服務於任何時間因任何理由無法使用,本公司恕不負責。本公司亦可能會不定時限制客戶 (包括但不限於註冊會員或其他人士),對於本平台的使用權限。
如有第三方聲稱本平台內容侵犯其權利,請以書面電郵至 info@tourtolove.com 作出申訴並提供相關理據以便驗證。
所有優惠券屬一次性使用,即使訂單因任何理由被取消或其他任何情況,已使用的優惠券將無法重用或退還。本公司無須作出補償或提供其他替代方案。本公司亦不會因人為錯誤 (例如:遺失,被盜用)而重發優惠券。
若客戶試圖以不合法或違反條款的形式使用優惠券(例如:濫用,欺詐,轉售),本公司可拒絕接受優惠券和相關預訂,甚或終止帳戶。本公司職員,或任何與優惠活動有關人士(包括但不限於合作夥伴) 均不得使用優惠券。
本平台及所展示的內容,產品和服務是基於以當下之情況而提供(不附帶任何明示或暗示的保證), 並會不定期更新,惟其不一定會是完整或最新的。本公司無法保證及聲明平台內容的準確性、質素或完整性或其就任何用途的合適性。任何因客戶對於此等資訊的信賴而可能導致的風險,完全由客戶自行承擔,在適用法律許可的最大限度之下本公司不會就此承擔任何責任。本公司保留修訂不實資訊及拒絕按不實資訊提供服務的權利。
若本公司,關聯企業或第三方服務供應商認為須就前述情況酌情負責,則本公司,關聯企業或第三方服務供應商的補償責任上限為: (a) 客戶在本平台進行該交易之總額。或 (b)港幣一千元正 (HK$1,000.00)。
本平台或包含Google和 Microsoft所管控的資訊及技術。客戶在 Google 使用條款、Microsoft 使用條款、Google 私隱聲明和 Microsoft 私隱聲明的約束下使用本平台的地圖功能。Google 和 Microsoft 有權隨時全權自行變更他們的使用條款和私隱聲明。請仔細閱讀相關條款細則。
中文及其他語言譯本如有任何歧異之處, 皆以中文為準。
地址: 香港九龍尖沙咀東麼地道63號好時中心12樓17室
香港旅遊牌照號碼: 354523
修訂日期: 30/08/2021
Please take the time to read and understand this Terms and Conditions set out below prior to booking a trip with us. We strongly recommend that customers carefully read all information relating to your trip on our website and APPs. Customers will be deemed to have accepted this Terms and Conditions after making payment.
TOURTOLOVE Limited reserves the right to change, delete or add new terms. It is customer’s responsibility to read and accept these Terms each time he/ she makes a travel reservation. Customer’s continued use of TOURTOLOVE Limited services after changes, deletions, or additions have been made to these Terms shall constitute customer’s acceptance thereof. In case of any disputes, the TOURTOLOVE Limited reserves the right to make final decision.
B)Cruise Terms and Conditions
C)Special Circumstances
D)Booking Terms
E ) Inclusion
G) Cancellation and Refund
Destination | Handling Charge (per person) |
Southeast Asia and China | USD $100 |
Europe, Russia, Australia and New Zealand, Canada, Mediterranean, Middle East, Central Asia, Africa | USD $200 |
Europe, Central and South America, South and North Pole | USD $500 |
After handling charge, (if applicable)
H)Additional Information
I)Guidelines on Collection and Use of Personal Data
1. The “Company” will only collect and use the personal information as set out in our Privacy and Cookie Statement. The personal data collected will be treated in a confidential manner and will only be used to provide relevant travel services to customer. During the process, the “Company” may need to transfer the data to relevant travel agents or service providers to arrange and complete relevant travel services. In addition, without the customer's consent, the “Company” will not provide the data to other organizations or persons (except as required by law).
2. Customers can review and update their personal information by login to their membership account.
J)Instructions of the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong
1. The Travel Industry Compensation Fund (TICF) provides protection to outbound travellers who may claim:
(a) An ex gratia payment equivalent to 90% of the loss of outbound fares (commonly arisen from the default of a licensed travel agent); and (b) reimbursement up to HK$300,000 in ex gratia payment, in case of injury or death in an accident during an outbound activity provided or organized by a licensed travel agent.
Although the TICF has provided customer with certain protection, customer is strongly advised to take out travel insurance which meets personal need for a comprehensive protection.
2. For inquiry about TICF and details, please contact The Travel Industry Compensation Fund Management Board Secretariat + 852 3151-7945 or visit https://www.ticf.org.hk
3. Travellers must obtain receipts with levy stamps to have protection by the Travel Industry Compensation Fund.
4. To protect the rights above, it is recommended family members or friends should keep all franked receipts for customer before departure and bring a copy of the receipts during the tour in case of accident or insurance claims.
K)Assignability Of Booking Terms
These Booking Terms are personal to individual customer, and customer may not assign these Booking Terms or his/ her rights or obligations there under to a third party without the “Company” prior express written consent. The rights of the “Company” under these Booking Terms may be assigned, and its duties may be delegated.
The “Company” have an absolute discretion to waive any of their rights under these Booking Terms. The “Company” may also waive its rights under these Booking Terms to the extent this is required by the rules and regulations from time to time published by the relevant authorities in Hong Kong. No waiver of by the “Company” of any booking related term or condition set forth in these Booking Terms shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or condition or a waiver of any other term or condition, and any failure of the “Company” to assert a right or provision under these Booking Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision of these Booking Terms is held by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be eliminated or limited to the minimum extent such that the remaining provisions of the Booking Terms will continue in full force and effect.
Customer warrants that one possesses all legal authority to use the Website in accordance with these Booking Terms as well as the Website's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. These Booking Terms, along with the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use applicable to the Website, constitute the entire understanding and agreement between you and the “Company” with respect to all matters relating in any way to the use of the Website for travel bookings and supersede all prior and contemporaneous understandings, agreements, representations and warranties, both written and oral, with respect to the travel bookings on the Website. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.
The Terms and Conditions has been drafted, and shall be construed, in the Chinese language. Any translation of the Terms and Conditions is solely for reference only. In the event of inconsistency between the Chinese language version and a translated version, the Chinese language version of the Terms and Conditions shall always prevail.
Last Revised: 20/08/2021
Please take the time to read and understand the Terms and Conditions set out below prior to booking a trip with us. We strongly recommend that customers carefully read all information relating to your trip on our website prior to booking to ensure that customers understand the itinerary you are undertaking.
TOURTOLOVE Limited reserves the right to change, delete or add new terms. It is customer’s responsibility to read and accept these Terms each time he/ she makes a travel reservation. Customer’s continued use of TOURTOLOVE Limited services after changes, deletions, or additions have been made to these Terms shall constitute customer’s acceptance thereof. In case of any disputes, the TOURTOLOVE Limited reserves the right to make final decision.
B)Special Circumstances
C)Booking Terms
F) Cancellation and Refund
G)Additional Information
H)Guidelines on Collection and Use of Personal Data
I)Assignability Of Booking Terms
These Booking Terms are personal to individual customer, and customer may not assign these Booking Terms or his/ her rights or obligations there under to a third party without the “Company” prior express written consent. The rights of the “Company” under these Booking Terms may be assigned, and its duties may be delegated.
The “Company” have an absolute discretion to waive any of their rights under these Booking Terms. The “Company” may also waive its rights under these Booking Terms to the extent this is required by the rules and regulations from time to time published by the relevant authorities in Hong Kong. No waiver of by the “Company” of any booking related term or condition set forth in these Booking Terms shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or condition or a waiver of any other term or condition, and any failure of the “Company” to assert a right or provision under these Booking Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision of these Booking Terms is held by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be eliminated or limited to the minimum extent such that the remaining provisions of the Booking Terms will continue in full force and effect.
Customer warrants that one possesses all legal authority to use the Website in accordance with these Booking Terms as well as the Website's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. These Booking Terms, along with the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use applicable to the Website, constitute the entire understanding and agreement between you and the “Company” with respect to all matters relating in any way to the use of the Website for travel bookings and supersede all prior and contemporaneous understandings, agreements, representations and warranties, both written and oral, with respect to the travel bookings on the Website. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.
The Terms and Conditions has been drafted, and shall be construed, in the Chinese language. Any translation of the Terms and Conditions is solely for reference only. In the event of inconsistency between the Chinese language version and a translated version, the Chinese language version of the Terms and Conditions shall always prevail.
Last Revised: 20/08/2021
TOURTOLOVE Limited (“Company “or “We”) recognizes and respects your privacy rights. The aim of this Privacy Policy is to ensure that you can make appropriate decisions regarding the provision of relevant personal information when using the Company's products or services via the website and App (the “Platform”).
By submitting your personal data to us, you agree to the processing set out in this Privacy Policy. Please be advised that it is voluntary for you to provide personal data to the Company. If you do not agree with our practices your ultimate choice is not to use the Platform. By using any part of the Platform, you accept and agree to our privacy practices. If we update this Privacy Policy, your continued use of the Platform (following the posting of the revised Privacy Policy) means that you accept and agree to the terms of the revised Privacy Policy.
This policy does not apply to information collected on any third-party platform that may link to or be accessible from the Platform. Third-party platform will also have their own privacy policies and processes, you should check these policies carefully. We bear no liability for their policies or processing of your personal information.
Our Platform is intended for adult on or above the age of 18 only. No one under age 18 may provide any personal information to or on the Platform. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 18. Please do not register on the Platform if you are under 18, conduct any transaction and submit personal data, other than from a parent or legal guardian with consent.
Manners of Collection of Personal Data
We may collect your personal data by the following manners:
Tracking technologies may obtain information about your general internet usage. Use of cookies helps us to improve our Platform and to deliver a better and more personalized service. You can set or amend your web browser controls to accept or refuse tracking technologies, but your access to some of the functionality and areas of our site may be restricted.
Content of Personal Data
We may collect the following personal information (but not limited to) by the above manners:
You may provide us with personal data about other individuals (e.g. as a travel companion, conducting transactions and submitting enquiries). Before this, you must obtain the permission from such individuals and inform them that you have provided us with their details for the use of the followings.
Use of Personal Data
We may use, keep, review the personal information that we obtained from the mentioned manners for the following use.
We may also use your information for any other purpose after obtaining your consent to use it for such specified other purpose.
The departments/ parties we share information with
We may share the personal information that you provide us to the following parties/ units:
We contractually require these third parties to keep personal information confidential and use it only for the purposes for which we disclose it to them.
We may also disclose your information to third parties for any other purpose after obtaining your consent to disclose it for such specified other purpose.
Additionally, we may disclose your personal information to third parties to:
Your Rights
You have rights and choices with respect to your personal information, as described below:
Personal Data Security
All personal information you provide to us is stored on our secure servers behind firewalls. Only the employees of the company and authorized persons can access the relevant information. Any related person must follow the safety requirements and stay vigilant. Despite such efforts, however, please note that no company can fully eliminate risks or guarantee complete security of personal information. we bear no liability for uses or disclosures of personal information or other data arising in connection with theft of the information or other malicious actions.
When you access your account on our platform, please keep your password confidential, prevent data leakage. We recommend that you do not include any sensitive information including credit card details when using any public WIFI.
The Company is unable to guarantee that the network transmission is without risk and cannot be read or intercepted by others. Customer is at their own risk. The Company will not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of customer’s connection, access and usage of the Platform.
Withdrawing Consent
We will not prevent or prohibit you from withdrawing consent to the collection, use or disclosure of your personal data. In respect of the collection of data, your withdrawal of consent must be accompanied by the decision not to use the Website, as data is automatically collected through the act of accessing the Website. In regards to the use or disclosure of personal data, we will cease using and collecting your data unless required by law to use or disclose it.
Retention of Your Personal Data
Our general policy is to retain your information as long as necessary to provide you with our products and services or as otherwise set forth in the privacy policy. We will cease retaining personal data where retention no longer serves the purpose for which the data was collected, and where retention is no longer necessary for legal or business purposes.
Review and Process Personal Data
If you have any questions or concerns to this Privacy Policy or would like to request access to, correction or object to the processing of your data for legitimate purposes, please make a request by logging into your account or contact us at info@tourtolove.com. We will use reasonable endeavors to process the claims of personal data correction within 15 business days.
Change to the Privacy Policy
The Company reserve the right to modify any part of this Privacy Policy at any time without prior notice. All changes are effective immediately when posted by the Company, and apply to all access to and use of the platform thereafter. However, any changes to the dispute resolution provisions set forth in Governing Law and Jurisdiction will not apply to any disputes for which the parties have actual notice on or prior to the date the change is posted on the Platform.
It is the customer’s responsibility to periodically review and must agree on the latest Privacy Policy, before using the Platform. If customer does not agree with this policy, please don’t access or use the Platform.
All changes of this Privacy Policy will be published on this website and application. If we make material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you by e-mail or through a notice on the website home page. The date the Privacy Policy was last revised is identified at the top of the page.
Applicable Law
The Terms of Use are governed by the laws of Hong Kong SAR. Customer consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong court and any dispute arising out of or relating to this Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of Hong Kong SAR.
The Terms of Use have been drafted, and shall be construed, in the Chinese language. Any translation of the Terms of Use is solely for reference only. In the event of inconsistency between the Chinese language version and a translated version, the Chinese language version of the Terms of Use shall always prevail.
Last updated: 31/08/2021
This website www.tourtolove.com and/ or TOURTOLOVE App (together, “TOURTOLOVE Platform”) is owned and operated by TOURTOLOVE Limited. Please read this General Terms of Use (this “Terms of Use”) in detail before using the TOURTOLOVE Platform and the service (the “Services”) operated by TOURTOLOVE Limited, its affiliated companies (the “Company”) or the third-party operators (the “Operator”). Customers (the “Customer”) when used in this Terms of Use includes any person who access the TOURTOLOVE Platform and persons for whom he/ she make a purchase of the Servies.
This Terms of Use, Privacy Statement, any guidelines concerning Service provision, rules for usage and additional terms shall remain in full force and effect while customer uses TOURTOLOVE Platforms or the Services. Please read this Terms of Use in detail, as they constitute the complete agreement between the Customer and the Company. If customer does not agree with (or cannot comply with) this Terms of Use, requirement and policy, please do not access or use TOURTOLOVE Platform. The Company may at any time change these Terms of Use without prior notice, and customer continues use of TOURTOLOVE Platform is conditioned upon acceptance of the updated Terms of Use.
Use of the Platform
By accessing and using of the TOURTOLOVE Platform, customer represents and warrants that:
If anyone disagree with or cannot comply with above conditions, please don’t access or use TOURTOLOVE Platform. The Company retain the right at our sole discretion to deny access to anyone to the TOURTOLOVE Platform and the Services offered, at any time without notice and for any reason, including, but not limited to, for violation of these Terms of Use.
Prohibited Activities
Customer agrees to use the platform based on legitimate purpose and the specification of this Terms of Use. Additionally, customer agrees not to:
Privacy Policy
The Company recognized and respects the privacy right of the customer. Concerning the policy of managing personal information, please review the current Privacy Policy. By use and access to TOURTOLOVE Platform, customer agrees and complies with the Privacy Policy, and is incorporated by reference to this Terms.
Intellectual Property Right
The information (including but not limited to all content, design, text, images, videos and audio thereof), software, products and services are fully owned by TOURTOLOVE Limited, its affiliated companies or the third-party operators. Customer cannot remove, confuse, modify, copy, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or re-sell this information. Customer must not access or use for any commercial purposes any part of the Platform or any service or materials available through the Platform.
Company logo and name are either registered trademarks or trademarks of TOURTOLOVE Limited in Hong Kong. The Company has not approved the usage of trademarks, company name or title, and unapproved usage will be considered as infringe of the Company’s right. Also, other logos, products and company names in the TOURTOLOVE Platform may be the trademarks of their respective owners. The Company accept no liability of any content owned or operate by others parties.
By uploading and sending content to the Company or providing details during activities, customer servers the Intellectual Property Right of this content, and grant the Company and partners royalty-free, nonexclusive, perpetual, irrevocable and sublicensable right to use, deposit, store, copy, modify, create derivative works from and public display this content (for example forward in blog, repost or download content).
With clear and complete supporting, if customer believes the material hosted by the Company or other person infringe his/ her intellectual property right, customer can report to the Company by log-in the membership account. Please note that the Company will not process the complaint if it is not properly filled out or supporting is incomplete. Making of any false statements in the notice may constitute an offence of applicable laws, and may expose the customer to liability for damages.
Platform Service and Content
The intellectual property right and related right of content and service provided by the TOURTOLOVE Platform are fully owned by the Company. By accessing and using the Platform, customer agrees that if it is deemed to be a violation of this Terms or infringe of intellectual property right, the Company reserve to right to refuse to provide content or service to customer and concerned personnel. Upon obtaining the approval from the Company, customer can access and use the platform content for specific use. This authorization is nonexclusive, nontransferable and only for access and usage according to the Terms.
Customers should make all arrangement necessary for them to access to the Platform, and ensuring that all persons who access the Platform through their internet connection are aware of these Terms of Use and comply with them.
The Company reserves the right, at sole discretion, to withdraw or amend the TOURTOLOVE Platform, the services and material provided, at any time without prior notice. Platform content may be updated from time to time, but the content is not necessarily complete or up-to-date. Any of the material on the Platform may be out of date at any given time, and the Company is under no obligation to update such material. The Company accept no liability of any unavailable in all or part of the function or service provided by in the Platform at any time for any reason. From time to time, the Company may restrict the platform access or usage of customer (including but not limited to registered members and other individuals).
The information presented on or through the Platform is made available solely for general information purpose only. The Company is unable to represent or warrant the accuracy, quality and completeness of information in platform, and its suitability for usage. Any reliance customer places on such information is strictly at own risk. The Company will not be responsible for any responsibility arise. The Company also disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on such material by customer or any other visitor to the Platform, or by anyone who may be informed of any of its contents.
TOURTOLOVE Platform may include materials provided by third parties (for example customer, other personnel, partners, corporate bodies, media etc.). All statements and/ or opinions expressed in these materials, and all articles and responses to questions and other content, other than the content provided by the Company, are solely the opinions and the responsibility of the person or entity providing those materials. That does not necessarily reflect the opinion, recommendations or agreement of the Company. At the same time, the Company is unable to warrant the accuracy and quality of these materials. The concerned party is fully accountable.
Account Registration and Usage Guideline
Customer must register personal account (the “Account”) to utilize the platform service and conduct transactions. The Account should be in active status as to utilize the service sustainably. All Account in not transferable, and all associated right will be terminated once the Account expires.
Upon agree and complete the registration, customer represent (and the Company has the right to rely on that statement) he/ she is 18 years old or above, and possess the legal authority to create a binding legal obligation, and will comply with all terms, conditions and notices.
To access the Platform or some of the resources it offers, customers may be asked to provide certain registration details or other information. Customer should ensure the Account content and all information provided is true, accurate, latest and complete. Customer can amend the Account information directly through the Account or the customer service team.
Customers agree that all information provided to register with this Platform or otherwise, including but not limited to through the use of any interactive features on the Platform, is governed by the Privacy Policy, and customer consent to all actions the Company take with respect to their information consistent with the Privacy Policy of the Company.
Customer has the responsibility to maintain the safety of account and information (for example log-in password, account setting, network safety etc.), and accountable for all activities processed through the Account.
If the customer aware or suspects that unauthorized person access and use the Account information or process unauthorized activities, customer needs to contact the customer service team of the Company the soonest. In this case, if payment details is registered in the Account, customer should contact the payment provider as to minimize the potential loss.
The Company reserve the right to accept Account registration, its usage authority and termination.
Customer’s Contribution and Requirement
TOURTOLOVE Platform and activities may contain message boards, chatrooms, personal webpages or profiles, online chats, bulletin boards and other interactive features. These features allow customer to share, publish and post content and information at or through the Platform.
By providing content (including all text, file, graphic, photo, audio, video and other material) (the “Contribution”), customer grant the Company and partners royalty-free, nonexclusive, perpetual, irrevocable and sublicensable right to use, deposit, store, copy, modify, create derivative works (including but not limited to translation, adaptation and abstract), share, publish, publish and any ways to use the Contributions. Customer also agrees to abandon the copyright and relevant right of all or part of their Contributions.
Customer presents and warrants the Contributions are provided based on legitimate purpose and the specification of this Terms of Use, and be completely responsible. Customer also agrees to comply with below guidelines:
If customer does not agree with requirement above, please don’t provide any information in TOURTOLOVE Platform. If the Company suspect or receive allegations that the Contribution violates requirements above, the Company can remove, refuse to display the Contribution, or even restrict the customer’s right to use or publish the Contribution.
Customer has complete legal responsibility in their Contribution, including its legality, reliability, accuracy and appropriateness. The Company cannot warrant and present the Contribution is verify before publish and suspicious content can be removed prompted after publication. At no circumstances, the Company accepts no responsibility of any Contribution, whether or not the Company has notice of such content. If customer intent or neglect, constitute legal offense, or does not comply with the regulations, causing loss to the Company or third party, it may expose the customer to liability of damages.
Customers agree that the Company has to right to remove or refuse to post any Contributions for any or no reason in sole discretion. And customer consent to all actions the Company take with respect to any Contribution that deemed necessary or appropriate in sole discretion, including if the Company believe that such Contribution violate the guidelines, Privacy Policy, infringes the right of any person or entity, create liability to any individuals, users of the Platform or the public.
The Company reserve the right to publish, use and removal of Contribution.
If any third party believe the material published on the Platform infringe his/ her right, please email to info@tourtolove.com to make an appeal and provide relevant prove for verification.
Account Termination
Customer can terminate their account anytime. All rights and associated bookings, services and benefits retained will be terminated and forfeited. Please refer to the current membership responsibility and policies.
The Company may suspend, terminated the customer, related accounts and access and usage right for any reason and without notice (including but not limited to suspicious of violations any terms and conditions, infringe of intellectual property rights, signs of fraud, abuse or suspicious activities in customer’s account, inactive account). The Company accepts no responsibility in these actions.
Moreover, the Company may cancel any booking and service associated with the customer’s name, communication or account. If such reservations or services cancelled are non-refundable, the Company reserves its right not to (partial) refund the customer for the cancelled reservations. To contest the cancellation of a booking or freezing or closure of an account, please contact the customer service department.
However, the Company will comply with applicable law and law enforcement authorities or court instructions, to disclose any personal identity or information published in the TOURTOLOVE Platform.
Purchase of Product
Terms and policies vary among the products. Details are presented on the product page and confirmations. Before confirming a purchase, please read carefully and agree with the relevant terms and conditions. Also, product may include additional information for reference.
Reservations of products and services are subject to availability at the time of purchase. Certain services are stated to be subject to instant confirmation. The Company will confirm the purchase order by email. The confirmation will provide detail of the purchase (for example confirmation number, booking status, payment details and product content etc.) Customer can check the order in their account. Please review the details carefully.
Reservations are processed according to the information provided by the customer. Customer has to provide exact name and details as shown on travel documents, and carefully check the participants’ information on the receipt. If customer changes the document content after reservations or locate any discrepancy, the Company should be notified immediately. Customer may have to pay for the additional cost incurred in rebooking, owning to the amendment of details.
The Company reserve the right to accept or cancel a booking for any or no reason.
Price and Payment
Reservations have to be paid in full by e-wallet or credit card, and posted by the bank. The Company use third party payment services for online transaction. When making a reservation, customer authorized the Company to apply payment to the e-wallet or credit card based on price listed upon confirmation, and present that the customer is authorized to make the payment. Customer should not use invalid or unauthorized e-wallet or credit card for payment. Furthermore, customer accepts the terms and conditions of the third party payment services, and grant that company to collect, process and reserve the relevant information of that transaction.
All payment is settled in HK Dollar, US Dollar or South Korea Won. TOURTOLOVE Platform may provide a currency converter for reference, and will not guarantee or accepts no responsibility of its accuracy. If customer pays in other currency, customer is responsible for any exchange rate different and administration fee by account provider at own risk. Please consult the concerned financial institution for any inquiry.
The Company reserves the right to amend the price and charges at any time, the updated information may be published by email or product pages. If the customer uses after or continue to use the service after the notice, customer agrees and accepts the price and charges after the amendment. The Company strives to ensure that the published price is accurate and complete, however unable to warrant and present there is no mistake or overlook. If error of discrepancy recognized, the Company reserves the right to cancel or (upon agreement with customer) update the price.
Booking Amendment and Cancellation
Customer can amend or cancel booking through the account or customer service department. According to the policy listed on the confirmation, amendment or cancellation will incur charges. Full charges will be deducted for amendment or cancellation of certain products and services after confirmation. For details, please review the terms and conditions in the confirmation. After the amendment or cancellation, the latest confirmation or cancellation will be emailed to the registered address. The booking content and status will also be updated in the account.
If the booking is being cancelled, the Company will notify the customer as soon as reasonably practicable, and provide appropriate arrangement. Customer accepts the Company accept no responsibility to provide any compensation for their dissatisfaction or loss.
Discount Coupon Usage
Discount Coupon is provided and distributed in different form, and being governed by the relevant terms and conditions. Please read the details carefully before application. The Company has the sole discretion to the coupon arrangement and program conditions.
Customer has to retain an active account as to utilize the coupon. All coupon will be terminated and become invalid once the account becomes inactive.
Coupon can only be used in the reservation process of specific products and services. If customer does not apply the coupon during the process, it should not be required to apply after confirmation. Once the coupon is successfully applied, it will be deemed fully redeemed and expired. Any remaining balance will be forfeited.
Coupon is for one time usage. Even the reservation is cancelled for any reason or in other scenario, applied coupon cannot be reused or refunded. The Company will not offer any compensation or other alternatives. Also, the Company will not re-issue the coupon due to human error (for example lost, theft).
Coupon cannot be redeemed for cash or against taxes, cancellation or amendment charges, administration fees or other miscellaneous, which are the sole responsibility of the customer. The Coupon may not be used or combined with other coupons, promotions or special offers.
If customer attempts to use the coupon in an unlawful manner or violate the terms (for example: abuse, fraud, resale), the Company may refuse to accept the coupon and concerned reservations, or even terminate the account. Employee or any related personnel of the promotion (including but not limited to partners) are not allowed to use the coupon.
The Company may revise or cancel the discount coupon and other regulations at any time, without prior notice. For any dispute, the Company reserves the sole discretion.
Reward Credits
Reward credit is accumulated in customer’s account and available for use until expired. The Company has the sole discretion to the program arrangement and conditions.
Customer has to retain an active account as to use the credit. All credit will be forfeited and become invalid once the account is inactive. Credit is personal to the customer and is non-transferable. The Company has the sole discretion to accept or reject the access and usage of the credit.
Reward credit is denominated in U.S. Dollars, and is valid for 1 year from the date allocated to the account. Credit will be deducted from the account after usage. Expired or invalid reward credit will be removed from the account directly without prior notice. Customer can review the credit report and status in the account.
Reward credit cannot be redeemed for cash or against taxes, cancellation or amendment charges, administration fees or other miscellaneous, which are the sole responsibility of the customer. The coupon may not be used or combined with other coupons, promotions or special offers.
Reward credit cannot be redeemed for cash or against taxes, cancellation or amendment charges, administration fees or other miscellaneous, which are the sole responsibility of the customer. The Company may, at own discretion, to allow the use of credit along with other eligible coupons and promotions.
If customer attempts to use the credit in an unlawful manner or violate the terms (for example: abuse, fraud, resale), the Company may void the credit and cancel the concerned reservations, or even terminate the account.
The Company may revise, suspend or terminate the program and its regulations without prior notice. From time to time, these changes may affect the value of the reward credit already accumulated at any time. Customer should not reply upon the continued availability of the program, or any earning or redemption offers, or other offers made in connection with the program. For any dispute, the Company reserve the sole discretion.
Liability of Travel
By offering travel products and service in international destinations, the Company does not represent or warrant that travel to such areas is advisable or without risk. Customer should carefully consider the suitability and related risk in choosing and traveling a destination.
The Company has no special knowledge regarding the travel regulations, entry requirements, travel documents, unsafe condition, health risk, weather hazards, supplier bankruptcies or the suitability for a disable person. Customer should seek for latest information announced by the destination’s authorities and fulfil the requirement, as to meet the travel requirement.
Customer has to comply with the local law and reasonable and appropriate code of conduct. If customer experiences loss due to intent or neglect, violation of law, public order, code of conduct or did not follow the travel agreement, the Company accepts no responsibility and may issue claim to customer for any loss incurred.
The Company strongly recommends that customer to take out a comprehensive travel insurance policy prior to departure.
For details, please refer to the terms and conditions of current product and services.
Supplier conditions and restrictions
Additional terms and conditions of the third party operator will apply to customer’s purchase. Please review the additional terms and conditions in detail. Hence, if there is a discrepancy between policies illustrated in the product and service and supplier, the reservations terms should prevail.
The Operator may require customer to provide personal details (for example: identification document, contact information), sign liability waiver, compliance with safety regulations as a prerequisite of participating in the service. If customer cannot participate in the service due to failure in provide information required or fulfil the requirement, the Company and Operator accept no liability and refund request. Reservation will become invalid if the relevant services to be provided are prohibited by local ordinance. If customer attempts to avail the service in an unlawful manner or violate the terms (for example: make false statement, omit to state the true), the Company and Operator may refuse to accept or provide the service, and refund will not be arranged.
Accommodation suppliers may require customer to provide deposit upon check-in, to cover the additional expenses during the stay. Such deposit is a policy of the supplier and unrelated to any reservation fee by the Company.
Customer agrees that any violation of any such supplier's policies and restrictions may result in cancellation of the reservation, being denied access to the concerned product or services, forfeiting any payment. The Company reserve the right for recovery of losses and/ or damages suffered as a result of the action.
Disclaimer of Warranties and Liability Limitation
TOURTOLOVE Platform and its content, and any product or service included on the platform are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis (without any warranties of any kind, either express or implied), and may be updated from time to time, but the content is not necessarily complete or up-to-date. The Company is unable to represent or warrant the accuracy, quality and completeness of information in platform, and its suitability for usage. Any reliance customer places on such information is strictly at own risk. The Company will not be responsible for any responsibility arise, to the full extent permissible by applicable law. The Company reserve the right to revise any false information and refuse to provide service based on false information.
TOURTOLOVE Platform may include content, product and service provided by third parties. That does not necessarily reflect the opinion, recommendation or agreement of the Company. At the same time, the Company is unable to warrant the accuracy and quality of these materials. The concerned party is fully accountable. Moreover, the product and service provided in the Platform are not fully owned, managed or controlled by the Company, but by third party operators. The Company is not liable for the acts, errors, omissions, representations, warranties, breaches or negligence of any such operators or for any personal injuries, death, property damage, or other damages or expenses resulting there from. In the event that the customer experiences losses or additional expenses due to property damage, accidental casualties, natural disasters and man-made disasters, machine failures, traffic delays, fires, strikes, wars, political unrest, changes in government regulations and force majeure, the customer agrees and accepts the Company will not be responsible for such expenses.
The Company does not warrant or present that all or part of the function or service provided by the Platform will always be uninterrupted, reliable or error free at any time. The Company cannot guarantee the information and service obtained from the internet or the Platform are free from virus or other harmful components. Customer is responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and checkpoints to satisfy your particular requirements for anti-virus protection and accuracy of data input and output, and for maintaining a means external to the Platform for any reconstruction of any lost data. Also, it is unable to guarantee that the network transmission is without risk and cannot be read or intercepted by others. Customer is at their own risk. The Company will not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of customer’s connection, access and usage of the TOURTOLOVE Platform.
To the full extent permissible by applicable law, the Company specifically disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including without limitation to any warranties of merchantability, non-infringement and fitness for particular purpose.
If the Company, affiliated companies or third party operators believe, at absolute discretion, found liable any losses or damages arises out of the occurrences described above, the liability of the Company and Operators will in no event exceed, in the aggregate, the greater of: (a) the total cost such transaction in the Platform OR (b) One thousand Hong Kong Dollars (HK$1,000.00). If customer does not agree to above terms, regulations or policy, and have dispute in TOURTOLOVE Platform, its content and service, please do not access or use the Platform.
The foregoing does not affect any liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law. In no event will the Company, all directors, its affiliated companies, third party operators, and its employees, supervisors, contractors, agencies, authorized personnel, suppliers, successors and assigns be liable for damages of any kind, under legal theory, arising out of or in connection with customer’s usage (or inability to use) the Platform, any website linked to it, any content on the Platform or such other websites or any service to items obtained through the Platform or such other website, or infringement of intellectual property right or right of any personnel and organization, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages, including without limitation of, personal injury, pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of revenue, loss of profits, loss of business or anticipated savings, loss of use, loss of goodwill, loss of data, and whether caused by tort (including negligence), breach of contract or otherwise, even if foreseeable.
Whether the Company has been advised or is aware of the possible losses, the restrictions and exception in this Term will apply.
Customer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Company, all directors, its affiliated companies, third party operators, and its employees, supervisors, contractors, agencies, authorized personnel, suppliers, successors and assigns from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, judgements, awards, losses, costs, expenses or fees (including administration and attorneys’ fee) arising out of or relating to his/ her violation of this Terms of Use, warrant, representation, and agreement, or any use of TOURTOLOVE Platform, including but not limited to user’s contribution, and any use of the Platform’s content, product and services other than as expressly authorized in these Terms of Use or own use of any information obtain from the Platform.
Links to third Party Sites
TOURTOLOVE Platform may contain hyperlinks to websites or services managed or operated by third parties. The links direct customer away from the Platform. Such links are provided for reference only. That does not necessarily imply Company’s recommendations or endorsement of these links or in connection with the website operator. The Company cannot guarantee the accuracy and quality of content and service in the hyperlinks. The third party should take full responsibility. Customer should carefully consider the risk and all applicable conditions. Also, the Company is under no obligation to involve in any individual transaction and dispute between the customer and any third party.
Maps Terms
TOURTOLOVE Platform may contain content and technology managed and controlled by Google and Microsoft. Customer’s use of mapping is governed by the Terms of Use and Privacy Statement of Google and Microsoft. Google and Microsoft reserve the right to change their Terms of Use and Privacy Statements at any time, at their sole discretion. Please review their terms in detail.
The Terms of Use are governed by the laws of Hong Kong SAR. Customer consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong court and any dispute arising out of or relating to the TOURTOLOVE Platform and the Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of Hong Kong SAR. Use of this Platform is unauthorized in any jurisdiction that does not give effect to all provisions of the Terms of Use, including, without limitation, this paragraph.
Customer agrees that no joint venture, partnership, business representative or employment relationship exists between oneself and the TOURTOLOVE Limited as a result of the use of this Platform or account registration.
The Company is responsible to proactively cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court order, requesting or directing to disclose the record of access and usage of the Platform or other information. Customer waives and hold harmless the Company, all directors, its affiliated companies, third party operators, and its employees, supervisors, contractors, agencies, authorized personnel, suppliers, successors and assigns from any claims resulting from any action taken by the Company or any of the foregoing parties during or as a result of its investigations and from any action taken as a consequence of investigations by either such parties or law enforcement authorities.
To the full extent permissible by applicable law, customer has to bring any claim or cause of action arising from or relating to this Terms or his/ her access or use of this Platform within one (1) year from the date on which such claim or action arose or accrued. Otherwise, such claim or cause of action will be irrevocably waived.
Without the Company’s express written permission, customer cannot assign all or part of his/her rights, duties or obligations arise from this Terms of Use, or through other means. No other person or body has any rights to enforce any terms if the Terms of Use.
The Company may transfer, assign or delegate this Terms of Use, or delegate the provision of services, or perform the duty of this Terms of Use to any third party, without having the consent from customer.
Entire Agreement
The Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and any regulations, guideline of customer usage and additional conditions constitute the sole and entire agreement between the customer and TOURTOLOVE Limited with respect to the Platform and supersede all prior and contemporaneous understandings, agreements, representations and warranties, both warren and oral, with respect to the TOURTOLOVE Platform.
Waiver and Severability
No waiver of by the Company of any term or condition set forth in these Terms of Use shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or condition or a waiver of any other term or condition, and any failure of the Company to assert a right or provision under there Terms of Use shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.
If any provision of the Terms of Use is held by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be eliminated or limited to the minimum extent such that the remaining provisions of the Terms of Use will continue in full force and effect.
Inquiries and Customer Support
For any inquires or report any violation of this Terms of Use, customer can log-in their membership account and provide relevant prove for verification.
Customer’s Comment
Any recommendation, proposal, suggestions or other comment regarding TOURTOLOVE Platform, service, product, Application or technologies may be used by the Company. Customer agrees the Company is not required to notify the customer or have no obligation, and without any restriction, and not necessary to provide any compensation or remuneration, and also agrees to waive all or part of the existing or future right of the content submitted.
Change of Terms of Use
The Company reserve the right to modify any part of this Terms of Use at any time without prior notice. All changes are effective immediately when posted by the Company, and apply to all access to and use of the Platform thereafter. However, any changes to the dispute resolution provisions set forth in Governing Law and Jurisdiction will not apply to any disputes for which the parties have actual notice on or prior to the date the change is posted on the Platform.
It is the customer’s responsibility to periodically review and must agree on the latest Terms of Use, before using the TOURTOLOVE Platform. If customer does not agree with this Terms of Use, please don’t access or use the Platform.
The Company will post the modification on the website and application. If significate change is made, an email or website landing page notification will be issued for customer. The last revised date is listed on at the top of the Terms of Use.
Governing Law
The Terms of Use are governed by the laws of Hong Kong SAR. Customer consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong court and any dispute arising out of or relating to the TOURTOLOVE Platform and the Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of Hong Kong SAR.
The Terms of Use have been drafted, and shall be construed, in the Chinese language. Any translation of the Terms of Use is solely for reference only. In the event of inconsistency between the Chinese language version and a translated version, the Chinese language version of the Terms of Use shall always prevail.
Platform Operator
Address: Unit 17, 12/F, Houston Centre, 63 Mody Road, Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong
HK TA License: 354523
TOURTOLOVE Limited is a limited liability company registered in Hong Kong SAR.
Last Revised: 30/08/2021
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